Here is a great list of questions for the shoe game that most people have seen at weddings.
Wedding Shoe game questions
If you are planning on playing this game, then you will need some questions to ask. Whether you use these as examples of what’s appropriate or if you are looking for a few questions to use, here’s the list:
General Questions
- Who hogs most of the bed?
- Who is the better driver?
- Who has the better driving record?
- Who farts more?
- Who is the better cook?
- Who uses more toilet paper?
- Who has bigger feet?
- Who has a bigger butt?
- Who has better vision?
- Who has better hearing?
- Who is worse with direction?
- Who sneezes more?
- Who has the nuttier family?
- Who has the most shoes? (It is the shoe game, after all!)
Relationship Questions
- Who was the first to admit their love?
- Who was the one who made the relationship “official?”
- Who was the first one to have a crush on the other?
- Who wears the pants in the relationship?
- Who has to always have the final words in an argument?
- Who is the better kisser?
- Who flirts the most?
- Who is always the first to say “I love you?”
- Who is the smarter one?
- Who is your favorite person?
Financial/Work/Money Questions
- Who makes more money?
- Who spends more money?
- Who shops more?
- Who works more?
- Who generally picks up the tab at restaurants?
- Who is the cheapest?
- Who tips the most?
- Who pays the most bills?
Personality Questions
- Who is more clumsy?
- Who talks the most?
- Who looks in the mirror more?
- Who stinks up the bathroom more?
- Who talks the loudest?
- Who has the better laugh?
- Who tells the best jokes?
- Who is more serious?
- Who is more flexible?
- Who is most the dramatic?
- Who is the biggest baby when they’re sick?
- Who gives better presents?
- Who gives the most unexpected surprises?
- Who is the first to apologize after arguing?
- Who has better hair?
- Who is more forgetful?
- Who cries the most during movies?
- Who has more dressy clothes?
- Who is more stubborn?
Habit Questions
- Who exercises more?
- Who eats healthier?
- Who is in better overall shape?
- Who eats the most fast food?
- Who does more household chores?
- Who’s car is the cleanest?
- Who would rather be outdoors?
- Who spends the most time on the phone?
- Who sings better?
- Who dances better?
- Who brushes their teeth the most?
- Who holds their liquor better?
- Who takes longer showers?
- Who takes the longest to get ready?
- Who is the most clean?
- Who dresses better?
Wedding planning – Free tips – The wedding shoe game questions